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Supporting voluntary and community organisations

Connect to Hampshire CVS Network

Your Views on Volunteering


We need your help!

Please take a few minutes to complete one, or both, of the surveys below, so that we can find out how best to help both volunteers themselves and community organisations who work with volunteers, by increasing our knowledge and understanding about volunteering.

  1. The public survey is for individuals, it takes about 10 minutes to complete and is open for adults of all ages to respond.  Please complete here
  2. The organisation survey is open to community organisations who work with volunteers, and takes about 10 minutes to complete. Please complete here.

Both surveys close on 30 November 2019.

We really appreciate your support in completing what you are able to and if you could also promote throughout your networks, that would be a fantastic help.

Further Information

Hampshire County Council in partnership with Hampshire CVS Network and the University of Winchester would like to find out more about Hampshire residents’ attitudes to volunteering and informal help-giving, particularly in relation to supporting older people.

The public survey, for individuals, asks for feedback on:

  • Whether there are particular types of volunteering opportunities that attract people more than others
  • More generally, what might attract people to volunteering
  • The barriers that would prevent someone from becoming a volunteer
  • The support might people need to help them to step forward
  • Whether people would want to access support from volunteers, and if so, how would they wish to do this?

The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete, and is open now for adults of all ages to respond.  The survey closes on 30 November 2019.

The organisation survey, is for community organisations who have volunteers:

The County Council and partners are also keen to get the views of community organisations, on how they currently deploy volunteers, and what future demand for volunteers might look like.

The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete, and is open now for adults of all ages to respond.  The survey closes on 30 November 2019.

Thank you so much for your support.


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